Displaying the Hiring Team for a vacancy

The Hiring Team is displayed as a related list on the vacancy:

Screenshot showing sample hiring team releated list

To display all Hiring Team members on a list view, select View All:

Screenshot showing hiring team related list with view all option selected

If the related list is not displayed you can add it:

  1. Go to Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager.

  2. Select the Label for the Vacancy object.

  3. On the Vacancy Details page select Page Layouts.

  4. On the Vacancy Layout page in the left panel select Related Lists.

  5. Drag and drop the Hiring Team Related List on to the page layout.

  6. Select Save.

Next time you display or refresh a Vacancy page the Hiring Team Related List is included.

The default Hiring Team view includes just the Hiring Team Name, a unique code. To add more meaningful information you can modify the Hiring Team view.

The Vacancy Details Edit page also displays the key people in a hiring team. Key people are the sole or primary users assigned to one of the core roles: authorising manager, hiring manager, or recruiter:

Screenshot showing a sample vacancy details edit page with populated key people fields

Use the Hiring Team related list to maintain all details of the Hiring Team members assigned to one of the default roles - authorising manager, hiring manager, or recruiter - associated with a vacancy. You can also use the Vacancy Details Edit page to view and maintain key people assigned primary status for a vacancy. To maintain key people assigned to a custom role, use the Vacancy Details Edit page.